Title |
One Piece: Gigant Battle 2 - Shinsekai [Limited Edition] |
Genre | Action / Fighting |
Version |
Japanese |
Condition | Secondhand - signs of wear due to use |
Item Appearance | Conditions: Case : good Manual : good Disc(s) : good Obi : good Other : N/A |
SKU | NBGI-00050 |
Publisher | Bandai Namco |
Other Remarks |
Sail into the battles. 40 pirates are involved in Gigant Battle 2 as playable characters and more than 100 characters show up to cheer them on. This time, the battle stages will move to the Grey Terminal, The Deep Sea Sunny Ship and all the exotic islands in the New World arc. Become the ruler of the world after conquering the seven seas, you can usurp lands from the bosses in the New World Arc to expand your territory. And when you are done with that, battle the powerful pirate crews from the Wi-Fi network.If you have cleared the first Gigant Battle, load the data in this new game to continue your conquest with your chosen characters.
All items are shown in the pictures.
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