Title |
Usagi: Yasei no Touhai: Yamashiro Mahjong Hen (Gd-Rom + Dongle) |
Genre | mahjong |
Version |
Japanese |
Condition | Secondhand - signs of wear due to use |
Item Appearance |
Conditions: NOTE: Used arcade pcb/games/hardware can have repairs or some dirt. Items used in gamecenters and for business, these are not console games. For use these games you need a supergun or a jamma cabinet. Please understand all above before purchase. thanks. |
SKU | - |
Publisher | - |
Other Remarks |
Usagi: Yasei no Touhai: Yamashiro Mahjong Hen (兎 [うさぎ] -野性の闘牌- 山城麻雀編) is a mahjong game developed by Warashi and published by Taito for the Sega NAOMI arcade system, and by Sammy for the PlayStation 2. It is based on the manga Usagi Yasei no Tohai by Makoto Ito.
All items are shown in the pictures.
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