Title |
All Kamen Rider: Rider Generation |
Genre | Action / Fighting |
Version |
Japanese |
Condition | Secondhand - signs of wear due to use |
Item Appearance | Conditions: Case : good Manual : good Disc(s) : good Obi : - Other : N/A |
Publisher | Bandai |
Other Remarks |
Kamen Riders are the childhood friends of people from many generations. Join the party to celebrate the franchise's 40th birthday. Riders from the 1971 titles join forces with the heroes from the newest Kamen Rider Oz series to combat evil monsters that banded together. Choose your player character and his partner and set off. Cut-in scenes with animated action sequences let players view the damage they do to their opponents. Each Rider has their special set of ability, Combo Change and Clock Up are just a few of them. Since the game is a party for everyone, players are free to choose the difficulty. From easy to super challenging, this game has all the action you need.
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