Title |
Bleach DS 2nd: Kokui Hirameku Chinkon Uta |
Genre | Action / fighting |
Version |
Japanese |
Condition | Secondhand - signs of wear due to use |
Item Appearance | Conditions: Case : good Manual : good Disc(s) : good Obi : - Other : N/A |
Publisher | Sega |
Other Remarks |
The eagerly awaited sequel to Treasure's 2006 smash-hit fighter Bleach DS: Souten ni Kakeru Unmei, Bleach DS 2nd: Kokui Hirameku Chinkon Uta sports new characters, new and improved movelists, a revamped Wi-Fi interface for cross-continental battling, and more than double the innovative Reifu cards that made the original so tense and strategic.
Bleach DS 2nd also sees the return of all the previous game modes, in addition to the all-new "Mission Mode" that allows players to face off against Hollows for the first time.
Boasting an impressively large character roster, jaw-dropping signature moves, techniques and weapons, and impressive, easy-to-se Wi-Fi capabilities.
All items are shown in the pictures.
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Games will be wrapped in removable plastic sleeves with bubble wrap and then placed in a box for shipping. Please remember, the games will ship from Japan so please allow some additional shipping time. Also during Japanese postal holidays (New Year's, Golden Week, Obon) orders will be delayed while the post office is closed.
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