Title |
Naruto Shippuuden: Narutimate Accel 2 |
Genre | Action |
Version |
Japanese |
Condition | Secondhand - signs of wear due to use |
Item Appearance | Conditions: Case : good Manual : good Disc(s) : good Other : N/A |
SKU | SLPS-25837 |
Publisher | Bandai |
Other Remarks |
Naruto Shippuuden: Narutimate Accel 2 is the second game in the Narutimate Accel (after the "time skip"), and the fifth game in the enitre series. The game picks up right where the first left off and features at least ten new characters and a new "NaruCon" system, an abbreviation for Narutimate Combo. The new system allows you to summon a support character during battle with R1, which you then press to have them attack. These supports are limited as you have a gauge that you must have a certain amount filled in order to use them. Also, they can be dispelled with one simple physical or ranged (Shuriken, Kunai, etc) attack.New characters featuresd in the game:Post Time-Skip SasukePost Time-Skip InoPost Time-Skip ChoujiPost Time-Skip KibaPost Time-Skip HinataPost Time-Skip ShinoSaiYamatoOrochimaru (Renewed Moveset)Kabuto (Renewed Moveset)Sasori (Real BodyChiyo (Renewed Moveset)
All items are shown in the pictures.
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